
Business E Cards Are The New Business Greeting Cards

Business Greeting Cards have proved an effective means of conveying your businesses thanks to loyal customers and suppliers for special occasions for hundreds of years. The most common means of doing so is via Business Christmas Cards. Tens of thousands of businesses still do so every year and Iphone 4s Stylus Pen between them send a total of several million Cards to clients across the globe. However, in today’s modern society businesses and consumers are behaving in a more environmentally conscious manner. The Carbon footprint left by the production and postal distribution of thousands of Business Greeting Cards is too much for many companies to tolerate. Many companies are realising that their clients either expect or are impressed by their environmentally conscious behaviour. Therefore, with these environmental factors in min businesses are turning to Business E Cards or Corporate Christmas E Cards providers as a replacement to paper based Business Greeting Cards. Clearly their carbon footprint is minimal with some providers even planting trees with their Business E Cards.In the data era we operate in people and businesses expect more from technology and expect to be continually offered new and exciting means of exploiting the internet as replacements to traditional products. There is only so much that a company can achieve with Business Greeting Cards; a still image, Logo, personal message. Their modern day equivalent product offers the same and much more with animated images, music, animated logo (e.g. fading in), links to your website, Slogans, an opportunity to promote products.It’s a famous cliché but one that remains true whilst in the midst of a global recession that time is money. Not only do Business E Cards save your own company time and hence money by; not needing the sign thousands of Business Christmas Cards, not needing to pay postage, not needing to spend weeks coordinating the delivery. However, with Business E Cards you can market yourself safe in the knowledge that the key business client you have sent it to will spend a matter of seconds receiving your gesture. You will not damage your brand in any way by sending them a cumbersome envelope that takes longer to open, digest and find room to hang. The marketing message of your Corporate E Cards consistently leave a nice taste in peoples mouths.Whilst operating in such difficult economic times all businesses are exploring areas to cut costs. Cutting Nail Brush costs does not necessarily mean not sending any Greeting Card product however Business E Cards offer that cost efficiency. They are typically cheaper than Business Greeting cards with 1000 cards costing over $1500 less when using Business E Cards. So these are just a few of the reasons why businesses are increasingly turning to Business E Cards as a replacement for Business Greeting Cards and Business Christmas Cards. We operate in an eco friendly digital era so why not respond to that environment and utilise a product that fits perfectly within it. With the right provider Business E Cards will offer you a professional hi tech, environmentally sound and cost effective means of tackling customer retention.

