
Reasons To Choose The ZOPO ZP300+ Android Phone

There are many popular Android phones today. The android operating system is an open source platform that was originally developed by Google. This is put on a wide variety of smart phones because it's a great platform and it's also free to use for hardware vendors. One popular android phone is the ZOPO ZP300+. Find out what advantages that this phone has to help you in your buying choices.

This phone has a very unique caller ID.
Instead of just showing the name and number, there is additional information that shows up on your screen. You can see the contacts birthday, Facebook status, and other social networking updates that the person has made. This is a quick and easy way of keeping up with all this information that you can see just from when someone calls you on your ZOPO ZP900S android phone.

This phone has full Flash support. This is a huge issue since more than 90% of the websites online have some sort of Flash elements on the page. This lets you see the internet the way that you see it like when you are on your computer. This is a huge advantage over other types of phones on the market that do not have any Flash support at all.

The camera on this phone is fairly unique.
It's a high quality camera that takes amazing pictures. The advantage of this phone is that you do have an SD card slot where you can save your photos instead of just having to rely on uploading them to the internet or emailing them to save them. The unique part of this phone is that you can have your GPS mark the location where each picture is taken so you can remember where your photos were taken.

Otherwise, the ZOPO Leader ZP900 android phone has the newest version of the android platform on it, this means that you have access to more features, more security and faster speeds. You can also get the latest applications developed for this version. In a word, it’s worth to have one.

