
Which System Is Better Android Or IOS

When it come to the market of smartphones and tablet devices, IOS and android are without a doubt two most popular operating systems. There are other operating systems like Web OS and Bada OS, but they are much less accepted in the market. So basically it all melts down to android vs ios race in which android seems to have a clear edge ar present. THL W8 uses the android OS while Iphone comes with an ios OS.

The battle of dominance between Ios and android seems to accelerate with each passing day. Ios had been the dominant OS for years considering the immense popularity of apple’s iphone but with the emergence and widespread acceptance of android, this monopoly of IOS seems to be seriously challenged.

Since the introduction of android by Google, it is being utilized by industry giants such as Samsung, LG, THL, HTC and Motorola as preferred OS for their Smartphones and tablet devices. According to a recent survey, Android has already grabbed more than 30 percent market share of mobile devices and the trend seems to accelerate.

So basically what this depicts is that iPhone has become more of a status symbol, just like Blackberry. iPhone users are more loyal to the brand but considering that Android based phones are increasingly being released with low prices, this trend might also change in near future. Phones like THL W100, HTC Sensation, Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Epic 4G, Motorola Atrix 4G and LG Optimus 3G are among the most famous phones in the smartphones market and they are all Android based. The popularity of these phones has played an important role in the Android vs. iOS battle.

Android introduced clear and easy social networking integration which was missing from iOS. Although later iOS introduced this feature but Android clearly had a lead of this front. So the Android vs. iOS battle would clearly accelerate in near future. Android is the OS of future while iOS has seen its peak years. Android devices were sold more than the iPhones in the later half of 2013 and after that the trend seems to continue and even accelerate. However, no matter a THL W8 W8 android phone or an iphone, it’s helpful to our daily life.

